Credit By Exam


Credit by Exam Brochure
Testing Dates (Spanish)

Credit By Examination [grades 1-8]

Everman ISD offers Credit by Examination for students in Grades 1-8 wanting to skip a grade. The testing for students in grades 1-8 does not occur until the summer (June) of the current school year. Students may not have received any instruction at the grade level they are trying to skip.

If you have any questions about the examination and registration, contact the counselor at your child's school. 

Credit By Examination [grades 9-12]

Everman ISD offers Credit by Examination for students in Grades 9-12 who wish to have an opportunity to test and receive credit for a course they have not had any prior instruction in. Credit by Examinations opportunities is scheduled for high school students four times during the school year (November, December, February, and June). To register to take an exam, the student would need to see their high school grade level counselor.

Registration Process For Credit By Examination Testing

Testing Dates