Records Retention Transfers

EISD is not an open transfer school district.
Student Records
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy interests of students. It affords parents the right to access and amend their children's education records, and gives them some control over the disclosure of the information in these records.
FERPA generally prevents a school district from sharing records, or personally identifiable information in these records, without written consent of a parent.
Although student files are protected under the law, FERPA does allow the disclosure of student data without parental consent under certain, specified conditions.
Education Records
Student records may be requested by the parent/legal guardian or eligible student. The student record request may be available within 7 days of the first initial request date, requested through the Student Services Department.
To request a Student record the parent/guardian or student must request the record by calling 817-568-3590 ext.4012 or can make the request at the Administration Complex 1520 Everman Parkway Fort Worth, TX 76140.
Directory Information
Certain information about District students is considered directory information and will be released to anyone who follows the procedures for requesting the information unless the parent or guardian objects to the release of the directory information about the student.
Request for certain records by the student or parent/guardian currently enrolled regarding report card, birth certificate, immunization record or social security card must be requested from the home campus the student attends.
Education Verification Requests
It is Everman Independent School District's policy to release the following directory information to anyone who requests it: student name, campus enrollment, and grade level. Additional student information is not considered directory information, such as a student/alumni's GPA, and an authorization will be required to obtain student record information. This information is released in compliance with the U.S. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
Transcript Requests
Current Students
Current students may request copies of their Transcript or Non-Official Transcript with their school registrar or counselor.
Former Students
Official Transcripts may be requested by completing and signing a Transcript Request Form from the High School front office. The completed form will be delivered to the campus registrar. Transcripts will not be processed without the signed request form, copy of photo identification or verification of identity.
Non-Official Transcripts may be requested by completing and signing a Transcript Request Form from the High School front office. It may also be requested at the Administrative Complex 1520 Everman Parkway Fort Worth, TX 76140.
The Everman Independent School District does not keep copies of diplomas, diplomas are considered ceremonial documents, not a district record. The high school transcript (academic achievement record-AAR) is the official record of achievement/graduation.