Rhianna Robertson,
Lead District Nurse
Health Services
817-568-3500 ext.4021
Health Services

Mission Statement
The Everman ISD Student Health Services Department is committed to providing a healthy and safe environment, allowing students to be successful in school. Clinical staff collaborates with the Tarrant County Department of Public Health to implement specialized health care and maintain state regulation compliance. We utilize strategies and practices to prevent the potential spread of contagious illnesses and communicate with others in the community for awareness of potential illnesses.
Back to School Immunization Information

Campus Clinic Staff
Bishop Elementary - Michelle Moore
E.Ray Elementary - Angelica Garza
Hommel Elementary - Latosha Balogun
Souder Elementary - Christina Toney
Townley Elementary - Candy Boaldin
Powell ELA - Bonita Wilder
Johnson STEM - Melita Campbell
Davis 9th Grade - Kamerria Nesbitt-Lyles
Baxter Jr. High -
High School -