Communities In Schools

Communities in Schools at EISD

From Our Coordinators ... 

My name is Angela Gash and I am the Communities in Schools Program Manager at Charles Baxter Junior High. It is with great privilege that I am able to implement CIS services on this wonderful campus.  Supportive guidance is provided to students individually, and within a group setting.  Students meet with me individually throughout the week, and participate in lunch groups where they work on anger management, social skills, self-esteem, healthy relationships, and leadership.  CIS services also assist students with their academics by monitoring their grades, providing classroom observations, tutoring,  and homework completion assistance.

Students are encouraged to begin thinking about their future by exploring college and career options that are displayed on the CIS office door and college bulletin board. In addition, students enhance their understanding of college by going on college field trips to Universities such as The University of Texas at Arlington and Texas Christian University. Parent Engagement is another vital CIS service that is provided at Charles Baxter Junior High. At the end of September, parents were invited to attend an Open House/Community Resource Fair that was coordinated by CIS.

Parents received valuable information from over 10 community agencies.  Lastly, school wide services are provided to students through classroom presentations facilitated by community agencies such as Safe Haven, Santa Fe Youth Counseling, and the Womenโ€™s Center. CIS also organizes and facilitates a school wideโ€ Be a H.E.R.O.โ€ week.  Where students participate in classroom activities, assemblies and presentations where they learn how to help, encourage, and respect others. - Ms. Gash  

The Project Manager for CIS works closely with the staff by completing class presentations about the CIS program and services that are offered on campus, attend department chair meetings to ensure updated CIS information is communicated on an on-going basis, attend ARDs as well as attend staff meetings to provide updates as needed. CIS staff also talk with staff that are looking for presenters, community resources, or needing assistance with chaperoning field trips.

Students are usually referred to CIS through the referral process however, many times CIS staff will be contacted through email or by phone to work with a student and/or their family.

Types of CIS Activities

Weekly groups for CIS students that is either facilitated by a service provider or CIS staff
College Fields trips such as TCU, Paul Mitchell Beauty School & Baylor
Provide individual and group counseling, snacks for all students, peer mediations, classroom visits, oversee EHS clothing clothes, & solicit donations for students activities
Transport students home and complete home visits for 20% CIS students - Ms. Evans 

Link for Communities in Schools