Attendance Overview
Student Attendance, School Success Begins With Attendance!
Be Present... Every Day Counts!
Truancy and Attendance Laws
According to TEA guidance, truancy and attendance policies are required to continue to be in place.
Everman ISD will take daily attendance during class. This means students will have to be present in-person and engaged in learning each day to be counted as present for attendance and credit purposes. Daily Engagement Measures are required for attendance. "Engagement" is defined by TEA as daily progress or completion as well as turning in assignments. In addition, per Texas Education Code (TEC) 25.092, students must attend 90 percent of a course (with some exceptions) in order to be awarded credit for the course and/or to be promoted to the next grade.
Daily Attendance
Student attendance will be recorded daily each class period. After attendance has been submitted, campus and district staff will call parents of all absent students daily to discuss attendance make-up requirements that must be completed the day of the absence.
In addition, attendance warning letters and notifications will be mailed to parents after the third consecutive student absence and for students exhibiting chronic absenteeism.
Truancy Prevention
Attendance calls will be made through blackboard daily to inform parents of their child’s absence.
Designated Student Services Department will make home visits to contact parents of students exhibiting chronic absenteeism.
Truancy warning letters will be posted in Skyward every Thursday and must be mailed each Friday.
Truancy prevention measures will be implemented as soon as possible for students exhibiting chronic absenteeism ( 3rd unexcused absence).
District and campus personnel are available to support our parents and students. Our goal is to have every student present and engaged each day. Your child’s attendance is important to his/her success. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s school as soon as possible or contact central office staff.