Employee Resources

Steps to Employment

Requirements of all employees:

  1. Be at least 21 years of age.

  2. Complete at least the equivalent of a high school education

  3. Criminal background check verifying suitability for employment

  4. Be able to successfully communicate in English (orally and written)

    Prior to interview, complete items below online:

  5. Application

  6. Resume (Optional)

    At interview provide:

  7. Applicable education verification which may include:
    Copy of College transcript
    High school diploma or transcript
    Verification of GED

  8. Resume (if not online)

  9. Sign application

    If applying for a teaching position, provide the following:

  10. Teacher Certifications
    Proof of application for Certification

  11. Letter from university of pending completion of courses
    90 day letter of recommendation from university if applicable
    Letter of acceptance from an alternative program

  12. Copy of Test Scores

    To complete employment process, provide or complete:

  13. Employment Eligibility Verification (Form I-9)

  14. Driverโ€™s License

  15. Social Security Card

  16. Form W4

  17. Social Security Form

  18. Retirement Form (if not already TRS member)

  19. Payroll โ€“ Direct Deposit form with โ€œVoidedโ€ check attached

  20. Public Access Form

  21. Professional Contract (if applicable)

  22. Service records (if applicable)

  23. Meet with employee benefits personnel