Bond Election 2024

Under state law, voters 65+ who have filed for the exemption are exempt from any increase in school taxes on their homestead. Those age 65 and older will not see an increase in their taxes, even if the appraised value of their home increases.
The Everman Independent School District has taken a significant step towards the future of our educational facilities. A bond election has been called, scheduled to take place on May 4th. This election is a crucial moment for our community, and your participation is essential.
Proposition A, a key component of this election, focuses on the enhancement and renovation of four of our campuses. These improvements aim to provide a better learning environment for our students, ensuring they have access to modern and conducive facilities. Additionally, Proposition A includes necessary upgrades to safety and security measures, which are necessary for student and staff safety.
In conjunction with Proposition A, Proposition B proposes the establishment of an Indoor Multipurpose Facility. This facility will serve as a versatile space for various activities, including UIL competitions, band events, art events, sporting events, community gatherings, and school functions. The Indoor Multipurpose Facility is designed to cater to the diverse needs of our community, offering a central space for a wide range of events and activities.
Bond Election Dates and Locations
Election Day & Early Voting
Early Voting: April 22nd Through April 30th
Election Day: May 4, 2024
Any registered voter whose primary residence is within the boundaries of the Everman ISD is eligible to vote in this election. Voters may vote at any Country-wide Polling Place in Tarrant County. A complete list of such voting centers can be viewed at Elections or call 817-831-8683
Proposition A
Prop A - $49,015,480
Elementary Campuses:
Bishop Elementary School Additions and Renovations
E.Ray Elementary School Additions and Renovations
Hommel Elementary School Additions and Renovations
Souder Elementary School Additions and Renovations
Other Projects:
Safety and Security Infrastructure
Campus Upgrades
Proposition B
Prop B - $18,084,304
District-Wide Indoor Multipurpose Facility
Multi-Purpose Facility
A districtwide multi-purpose facility located at the high school to be used for events such as, but not limited to:
Spelling Bee
Science Fair
Academic competitions
UIL competitions
Night of Notables
Staff Development
Guest speakers
Campus/Department Programs
Elementary Field Day
Athletic & band practices during inclement weather
Dance practice