Our Beliefs
We value acquiring and using technology to support the missions of the EISD.
We value the principles of intellectual freedom guiding the EISD in developing access to electronic resources and products while providing with a safe environment to enhance or perfect their 21st-century learning skills.
We value making electronic information resources available to persons of all ages, physical conditions and locations while adhering to all local, state, and federal requirements.
We value electronic resources and product that extends technology services, complementing other learning materials and resources provided by the EISD, and where appropriate, substituting for equivalent resources in other formats.
We value EISD Technology Departments interaction with all stakeholders, instructing them as necessary, assisting them in locating, using and evaluating all forms of technology, whether a customer is on premises or accessing our infrastructure and services from a remote location.
We value the ongoing offering of new and emerging resources delivered via new technologies.
We value the continuing education and training of the Technology Department Personnel in the use of electronic resources and new technologies.
Our focus is student learning!