Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA)
Everman Independent School District will be Implementing the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA)
In the 86th Legislative Session, House Bill 3 provided funds for districts in Texas to apply for funding through the TIA. The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) provides funding to pay highly effective teachers whose students show measurable improvement in academic growth. Districts that choose to participate are charged with developing local teacher designation systems that measure teacher effectiveness based, at a minimum, on both teacher observation and student growth data.
Developing a local teacher designation system requires significant planning, robust stakeholder engagement, adequate time to prepare all necessary materials for rollout, and a strong communication plan prior to the first implementation year. Everman ISD is excited to embark upon this journey with an anticipated full implementation during the 2021-22 school year. The Teacher Incentive Allotment is not a merit-pay approach to compensation, and it will not replace the Districtโs current pay structure. For those who earn a distinction, it will be an additional state stipend completely separate from the current pay structure.
Some employees will be automatically designated and eligible for the state stipend. If a teacher is hired in Everman ISD and was designated in their previous district, the teacher will still receive the state stipend. Additionally, if a teacher is Nationally Board Certified, they will be automatically designated and will receive a state stipend.
For more information regarding the Teacher Incentive Allotment or National Board Certification, visit this list of FAQs below.