Homebound Services Pregnancy Related Services

Homebound Services & Pregnancy Related Services     

Mission Statement   
It is the mission of Homebound Services and Pregnancy-Related Services to actively respond and to provide continuity of educational services between the classroom and the home/hospital setting for students whose medical needs prevent attendance on a campus.   

Purpose of General Homebound Services:   
Homebound instruction is provided for eligible students with disabilities or medical diagnoses who are confined to their home for a period of four or more weeks as documented by a licensed physician practicing in the United States.     

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Eligibility Requirements:   

  • The student’s condition must be medical only.

  • The student’s medical condition must be documented by a physician licensed to practice in the UnitedStates.

  • The student must be confined either at home or in a hospital for a minimum of four weeks. The weeks need not be consecutive.

  • Medical homebound instruction is an extension of regular school instruction and all campus rules, regulations and procedures of

  • Everman ISD apply and must be followed.

  • Special Education students eligible for special education and related services as determined by the ARD Committee.  

Purpose of Pregnancy-Related Services:   
Everman ISD supports pregnant and parenting students (both male and female) to remain in or return to the educational setting until graduation.   

Who is eligible to be served?   
Any pregnant and/or parenting female student who is enrolled in Everman ISD may voluntarily agree to participate in the program,  Any school-age parenting male who is enrolled in Everman ISD may voluntarily agree to participate in the program.   

Where are students served?   
All students are served on Everman Joe C. Bean High School or Everman Academy High School.   

Services Provided:   

  • Parenting for School Aged-Parents course ​(only offered at Joe C. Bean High School)

  • Counseling-individual, peer and group;

  • Provide Referrals to local agencies in Tarrant County

  • Assessment of individual needs in the areas of medical/health, academics, social services, etc.;

  • Development of an individual plan to meet the listed needs

  • Regular monitoring of grades and attendance;

  • Transportation assistance; ​(only offered at Joe C. Bean High School)

  • Partnership with “Safe Haven”

  • Partnership with “Communities In School”​(only offered at Joe C. Bean High School)